Why should we worship and praise God?

“Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped.” This quote from Jack Hayford reminds us that worship, or a declared and focused adoration, is profoundly transformational (2Cor 3:18). No one, and nothing but God alone is worthy of our worship! God is the only object of worship that when magnified and glorified, changes us into a better version of ourselves. Every gift and talent in your life has been placed there for you to love God and your fellow man with. Worship will bring that out like no other activity can. One could make a strong case for worshipping God, because it is so good and healthy for the person.

While connecting with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord through worship and praise is life changing (2Cor 3:18), that isn’t a good enough reason to become an avid worshipper of the Lord Jesus. God as Father, Son, and Spirit is worthy of our worship! Peter, James, and John were undone at the sight of the glorified Christ in Matt 17. Moses spent time with God in the mountain, and visibly glowed for days afterward (2Cor 3:7, 13-16). Everything in heaven, earth, and under the earth will glorify God the Father by bowing to the Lord Jesus (Phil 2:9-11). The knowledge of the glory of God is revealed in the face of or through Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:6)! God’s glory filled the temple as a cloud, and the priests could only bow (2Chron 5:14). Job suffered with deep grief and no understanding of the tragedy that had come upon his family, yet when God manifested it was completely evident that God was worthy of honor and glory right then and there (Job 38). Worship is for God

To be properly aligned with the Creator of the universe, I must worship! Psalms 95 reminds us of the scope of His greatness, and man’s sad ability to still rebel against Him. Are you a worshipper of God? I hope your answer is YES! Is that a settled issue for you? I’d love for that answer to be YES as well. Can bad news or disappointment taint your focus on living for Jesus? It is still too often I am moved by disappointment. God is the same! His love hasn’t changed, and His worthiness is established regardless of circumstances. What is left for me, and us to do? The choice to worship our God in the midst of it all will transform us. The circumstances may or may not change. If we worship Him, we will change! Worshipping Him will change how we think about what we are going through, and that is RADICAL! The link below is to “First” by Lauren Daigle, and it expresses a heart to keep the Lord first in everything. That is my heart, and I hope it is yours as well.