Posts from 2017

Our Reward – What Shall We Have!

As the man we’ve come to know as the Rich Young Ruler walks away from Jesus, Peter makes an observation and asks a question. Matt. 19:27 Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” Apparently Peter is aware of leaving a lot to…

Christian Community – It’s a Real Connection!

Christian Community can be loosely defined as “followers of Jesus Christ, that intentionally and positively connect to share in the life of Christ with each other and our world.” Gathering together isn’t nearly enough if there isn’t a sufficient living connection. A wiring harness, like the one pictured below, must be properly installed and in…

Am I Healthy?

Do you ever ask your self if you are healthy? You’ve probably noticed our world obsession with health and well-being has increased dramatically. When googling the question “Are you healthy?” there were 713,000,000 results in less than one second. There are books and videos on everything from diet, to workouts, to attitudes. There are apps…

God’s Plan, and Our Cooperation

Let’s start with two statements, one from early in the June 11th ACF teaching, “God has a purpose for you!”, and a quote from Oswald Chambers near the end, “the good is always the enemy of the best”. I’d like to briefly consider how they are interdependent. The first is based on verses like Jer…

Why should we worship and praise God?

“Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped.” This quote from Jack Hayford reminds us that worship, or a declared and focused adoration, is profoundly transformational (2Cor 3:18). No one, and nothing but God alone is worthy of our worship! God is the only object of worship that when magnified and glorified,…

Solomon’s Failure and Our Hope

Solomon is thought by many to be the wisest man that ever lived. His anointed time tested insights into humanity, creation, and a plethora of life situations are recorded in the Book of Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. A few examples: Prov 4:20-22. “My son give attention to my words … they are…

Lord, If You had been here!

“Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Martha and Mary spoke these words (Jn 11:21, 32) but what do they mean, and what can we learn from their sorrow, and Jesus response? There should be no surprise that serious sorrow is part of life on earth, yet we are reminded…

This Changes Everything!

Jesus is alive! He has been raised from the dead, never to die again. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Early that resurrection morning He was raised from the dead in the power of the Holy Spirit, as some of His closest followers were soon to discover. People are still coming…